[ "As representatives of the Portuguese Royal House, it is natural that D. Duarte and D. Isabel de Bragança feel particularly proud to talk about the history of our country. Thus, taking the implementation of Bullfighting Real XII, the Dukes of Bragança were the three sons, Alfonso, 13 years, Frances, 12, and Dinis, of nine, to the historic city of Évora. Despite the commitments already scheduled do not get the family more than two days, the Dukes took issue with children walking in the city, as shared with CARAS D. Isabel, during the inauguration of the exhibition of Maria Sobral Mendonça - Art & Bulls - held at Hotel M'Ar Air Aqueduct: "It's always a pleasure to return to Évora, a beautiful place and well maintained. Today we went walking and I like to see the harmony and beauty of this city. We went to the Museum of Évora and was very impressed with all the work they did. Where we can, to better capitalize on the country and to be with people. " (...) in Review Caras. ]